From: (Z Bone) Organization: ZBone Publishing Marc Kirschenbaum: The crux of the matter is if the individual entering a srtip club feel at a gain or at a loos after he leaves. Obviously there will be a monetary loss, but as long as his money is budgeted well, this should not be an issue. I would hope the frequenters of strip clubs feel at least somewhat fulfilled after they leave. Z Bone: I've felt used and ripped off after watching a $7.50 movie that SUCKED! How did I feel after 48? That time, I felt OK. But I've had times when I only spend the COVER and felt ripped off. I look at it like gambling. Don't gamble what you can't lose... Don't do the crime, if you can't do the time. Don't get a lap, if you don't know your cap... or Don't get a lap if you ain't got crap. Marc Kirshenbaum: ...there is not a big market for origami, but when there is, I will make a killing... Z Bone: I think the erotic origami idea might take off dude. I can see it now. "I want my EOTV! (tm)" The Erotic Origami Channel (tm). The Erotic Origami Shopping Network (EOSN). The Erotic Origami Chain of Stores nation wide. Marc! You'd be on the cover of "Time" and "Newsweek". "Erotic Origami Guru: Marc Kirshenbaum". 20/20 TV Interview: Bawa Wawa: So Marc. How wid wyu come up wis zis iwia? Marc: Well Bawa. Actually, there was an invasion... Bawa: An inwayshun?!! Marc: Yes. I was sitting in front of my computer screen... minding my own business. Reading the usual boring AAO posts, when suddenly... out of nowhere... came this invasion of ASSC posters! I couldn't believe it. They had these strange names with 3 letter initials like "ALS", "DrD" and "BTH". Others were simply "brazen" and some where just pathetic losers. One was a POOCH, but most of them were "Bob"s. They got me started on this erotic origami... and I got hooked on it. I couldn't stop myself. Sometimes, I would go for days without sleeping... just making erotic origami. It was like an ADDICTION!!! FOLDING! UNFOLDING! FOLDING! Bawa: Cawm youshelf DOWN Mawk! Marc: Sorry Bawa. I... I'm OK now. Anyway, to make a long story short, everybody in strip clubs started wanting erotic origami... and... here I am on your show! Bawa: Show us wyo wawk Mawk. Marc: Well... How about a lap dance first? -- Z Bone LA Strip club reviews and GOSSIP!