Subject: ASSC-The Movie (Was RE: JLDRS)

ASSC- The Next Generation (Based on characters from all of the Star
Trek T.V. series)

Crew of the USS Chez Paree

Kirk		      Tiger
Spock		      Douglee
Scotty 		Cque
Belanna Torres	KAT
Kempec		Bubba
Beverly Crusher	TIKI
Ensign Kim	      JLay
Wesley Crusher	Ender
Deanna Troi	      MARIA
Will Ryker	      Pelicanhead
Ensign Barkley	Curious George
Jadzia Dax	      EDIE
Major Kira	      MIA
Tom Paris	      IRL

That Alien Girl
Tom Paris fell in
love with and was
accused of 
murdering her 
husband           LACEE

Sulu   		The Kid
Hugh(of the Borg) Rudeboy

and last, but not least....

"Q"		      ALS
because in the USS Chez Paree,
he can damn well do anything
he wants...!

and you don't need cable!

Gee, Star Trek and  Strip Clubs.........can someone lend me his life
for the next 60 years....?

Trekker/ASSC'er/Slacker Rudeboy

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