MSC: The List™
April 29, 2002
Sponsored by SF Strip Clubs Uncensored
SF Strip Clubs Uncensored is an "invite only" club.
E-Mail for an invitation.
Name 		Menu	Price	Looks	AttitudeQuality	Comments

Alanah		ROB					
Angela		a-e	60-160	77	86	88	Can be great, YMMV
Annie/Andy	a-e	60-200	75	85	83	YMMV
Anushka		a-e	60-300	88	95	93	Takes her time
Autumn		ROB					
Capaccino 	Are you kidding.					
Charley		a-d	60-160	84	80	81	Nice blonde.
Cherish		a-d	40-120	90	75	80	Cute & quick
Chocolate	a-e	60-160	77	85	83	Fun, fun, fun.
Claire		a-c	60-160	90	75	80	MBOT Jane.
Cumisha		a-e	? -300	80	92	95	Great skills
Cyrille		a-e	60-200	80	93	90	Flexible
Dallas		a-??	60-200	65	85	80	Anything goes girl.
Evette		a-e	60-???	75	90	85	Sweetheart
Exotica		a-e	60-160	90	68	70	Eye candy
Gabby		a-e	40-140	85	65	66	Below average.	
Glamour		a-e	60-200	90	79	75	OK, nice looks.
Heaven		a-c	60-200	70	60	61	ho hum.
Honey		a-c	40-160	77	72	74	YDFC
Jade Blue	a-e	60-300	90	90	90	Great laps
Jasmine		a-e	60-200	90	84	85	Cute & Lively
Jazz		a-e	60-200	85	60	55	Blah.
Jenatel		a-c	40-100	65	88	85	Nice girl, limited menu.
Jewels		a-e	40-100	66	66	66	Who cares.
Joy		a-c?	40-120	90	75	70	So-so, but decent lap
Kitta		a-e	60-160	83	75	80	YMMV
Liza		a-c	60-100	65	70	68	Not worth it
Lorraine	a-c	60-120	79	80	70	Average skills
Lorine		a-e	60-200	88	93	90	Great french skills
Maya		a-e	60-120	72	72	72	Reliable fun
Menaka		a-e	40-120	78	93	87	Reliable fun
Nadia		a-e?	ROB				Too bad, very sexy
Oasis		a-e	60-120	65	50	55	Mechanical
Oceana		a-e	60-120	85	60	55	Bad attitude
Pearl	a-c (d?, e?)	60-120	85	80	81	All over the place.
Rebekah		a-e	60-200	75	95	92	Sweetheart
Ryan		a-e	60-160	70	80	75	Blonde fun.
Sabrina		a-d	40-120	80	69	69	Barely acceptable
Saida		a-e	60-200	88	85	86	YMMV
Scorpian	a-e	ROB	
Shy		a-e	60-160	80	85	83	Great butt
Sky		ROB					
Sophia		a-e	60-300	95	95	95	Best of the best
Swan		a-e	60-200	75	90	90	I know, I know.
Tammy		a-e	60-200	70	70	70	Southern accent
Tedra		ROB	
Tia		a-e	60-180	90	60	60	Stay away.
Tiffany		a-e	40-140	88	65	65	Sybil.	
Tinker		a-c	40-100	86	88	88	French professor
Toni		a-e	60-140	72	86	89	Wild, fun girl.
Tori		a-e	40-200	75	70	70	Nothing Special				

Fatman		a-z	10-40	7	0	1	Human balast
Ziad		a-z	200+	22	-17	0	Bottom feeder
Mike		xx	??	9	-33	-10	Pond scum

Scoring:	70-79	acceptable				
		80-89	good to very good				
		90 - 	outstanding to fantastic				

Note: Just because it is on the menu, does not mean I have sampled.  As always YMMV.						
Note: other extras (kissing, bareback, anal, facials, etc.) are not reported.