Subject: The Folding Incident
From: (LapMeRich)


Setting: Sam's Hofbrau, during the end of the month dance contest

Characters: DougY, LapMeRich, Zbone, Dispater, Dodger and Lurker Frank

Scenario: DougY is sitting with LapMeRich at a table in the front end
of the room at Sam's Hofbrau. Zbone is on the other end of the room by
the pool tables. Dispater is roaming around somewhere, kind of lost.
Dodger and Lurker Frank have yet to arrive. Origami folded out of
money is all over the table DougY and LMR are sitting at.

DougY:  Ya, when I was at Olympic Gardens in Las Vegas, some guy was
actually paying me $2 for every origami I was folding with a $1bill!
Can you believe that?  So of course I kept folding...

LMR:    Really? That's kinda funny. I can't believe some guy would pay
you $2 to fold him a $1 piece of origami. Hey, teach me how to fold
some of this stuff, like the elephant.

DougY:  Okay, sure, get a dollar bill.

LMR:    Got one.

DougY:  Now fold it in half length wise and then fold the top two
corners like you would a paper airplane.

LMR:    Okay, got it.

DougY:  Now do it again. Fold it over one more time.

(At this point, Heidi, a dancer comes over and wants me to go with her
to tip one of the contestants named Rio who she thinks is really hot
looking and I get dragged off to the stage to do some tipping with

LMR:    Alright, I'm back. Hey wait, is this my dollar bill?

DougY:  No, that's mine. You tipped yours away.

LMR:    S*&@! Alright, lemme start over.  Now what?

DougY:  You fold this over like this, that flap over this way and this
fold into that crease. No, not like that, like this. And this folds
over into there, ya, like that. No... like this. Now fold this over
into that crease you made with the first fold. No, the first fold, not
the second. Flip it around, ya, that's it.

LMR:    How come mine looks nothing like yours?

DougY:  Don't worry about it, it'll come out.  Just fold that flap
over again, ya, like that, and see the edge? Ya, bend it over like
that and fold it again. This crease you made, push it back and it
makes the ears.

LMR:    Uh.. ears? Can't I just leave it this way and call it an
anteater instead?  I don't think mine wants to go into an elephant.

DougY:   See, here's an elephant.

LMR:    How about I give you two bucks for that elephant?

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