Newsgroups: Subject: Kat's Bad Customer, X-Mas Night From: Your MotherDate: 29 Dec 1995 04:24:30 GMT When it rains it pours. One more asshole at the Century. I had been sitting with IRL for most of the night, which was quite pleasant. Gotta keep movin', though, so I asked some other guys. I sat and talked to some guy for a minute about Christmas. He had forgotten that it was Christmas day. Out to lunch. After a bit I asked him for a lap dance. He said sure and handed me a five. With the money behind my back I asked for another, explaining that I didn't want to have to stop halfway through the middle. He said, "Oh no, $5 for half a song is way too much. Never mind. Give it back." "Too much?"I asked. "Where are you from? Arkansas?" "No, I'm from here. I get five dollar laps all the time. I get $1 and $2 dollar laps." "Twenty years ago?", I asked while I laughed at him. "No, I come here all the time. You're being unreasonable!!" "No, you're the one who's being unreasonable and I'm not giving you your money back." I walked away and went upstairs. I didn't hit him or crumple his shirt or anything! You guys would have been proud! The acting manager came upstairs and asked me what happened. I explained. He suggested that since I didn't actually give the man a dance I should give his money back. I explained that the $5 was for my time and for the insult. He told me," Sometimes you lose time trying to sell dances." Gee, really? I politely told him I've been in this business for five and a half years and understand that. However, I've had enough of this and am willing to get fired over it. I informed him that he was free to send me home on a night when there were five girls. He was also free to fire me. I was not backing down. The boy was downstiars demanding his entrance fee back. I would have tole him the dancers are independent contractors. They gave him a free pass. After pondering the situation, I decided to give him his money back. I went into the bathroom, dropped the fiver in the john, and pissed on it. Just when I was feeling ready to give it back, I was told that he had left. Damn. One good thing about the night. I met Green Jello, who lurks on this group. He was super-cool. He makes up for the asshole ten times over. Green Jello, where's my e-mail??!?!? Kat