I still have to write a nice post about last night. It's on the way, I just need to tell you about my crappy night first. Bubba will verify. The night started out SLOW. Very slow. About nine o'clock I went on a break, headed over to my favorite neighborhood bar. Had fun watching this Mexican beauty pagaent (or was a plastic surgery show?) with some of the people who worked at the bar. Slow night for them too. Got into a good mood. Time to go back to work, see if I can actually make some money to pay for all the presents I bought people today. One of the first guys I ask says yes. He looks like Jabba the Hut and is wearing a pocket protector. What the hell, I'm in a good mood. Just talked to Tiki about going to a swinger party and I'm feeling pretty happy. Dickhead hands me a five. I ask if he has another, tell him people usually give me a couple of fives. He mumbles something. I don't speak dickhead so I ask him to repeat himself. He mumbles at me again. I tell him he is mumbling and he says, "give me that five back and I'll give you a ten. Stupid me, I'm in a good mood and give it back. He then tells me to leave. I grab him by the shirt and get ready to punch him. Exercising INCREDIBLE self control, I refrain and tell him I'd hit him if my manager wasn't around. What does asshole say? "Go ahead, baby." I really hate it when people call me baby. So what the fuck am I supposed to do? Any advice? What would you have done? I left and told Bubba my dilemma. He is such a sweetheart and a damn good ear. I decide this asshole needs to be kicked out. I find the manager and tell him this guy was a real asshole, rude to me, tried to grab me, etc... Manager goes and talks to Jabba, comes back and asks if I grabbed the guys shirt. I lie, manager says he going to ask witnesses. I go upstairs, kick my locker door a few times, break my boot, refrain from beating my head against the door. Fuck this asshole for getting to me like that. I sit upstairs and freak out some more, I think I'm having a nervous breakdown. I have to dance. Great, my boot is broken. Fuck it, I'll dance barefoot. Nick Cave, angst and anger. The assholes by the side of the stage don't tip. They're young. Fuck 'em, I'll dance for Bubba since he's the only person in here who's worthy of my attention anyway. Nine Inch Nails. Fuck you , fuck you, fuck you. I'd like to gouge your eyeball out with the heel of my broken boot, Fatty Jabba Prick. Take the nails that are sticking out of my boot and slide them under your fingernails. Take off my belt, wrap it around your throat and watch your oozing eyeballs pop out of your wormy little face. Nick Cave- The Carny. My favorite. Freaks. Hooch dancers always used to bill with freaks. See what you don't see at home. Rejects with elitist attitudes, that's what we are. I'm a self-made freak, an outcast. I'm a cynic. I hate the human race. I hate the pinks and the normals. The sheep. What we need is a good slaughtering. Give me the knife, I know the perfect place to start. After about an hour I calm down enough to fake a smile and go back downstairs. The first guy I talk to wants to take me up to the playpen. Wonderful. As soon as we get in there he tells me he'll give me a hundred dollars to take him home and fuck him. Boy, a whole hundred dollars. This sounds familiar. I tell him I won't even tell him what district I live in for a hundred dollars. He says three hundred. I tell him he's insane. I ask if they let him out for the weekend. He says he likes to go in and out. Yeah, in and out, in and out. Of the asylum, I say. What's the matter?, he asks. Don't I like black dick? I tell him it has nothing to do with ihis skin color, I just don't like dicks. Or assholes. He gives me more money and tries to grab my tit. I tell him his time has run out. He goes with me to the room guy to buy another ticket. A condom falls out of his pocket. It's crumpled so I ask if he's had it since high school. He tells me to pick it up. I tell him to pick it up himself. He does and leaves. Good. I go back down and the first guy I ask tells me how much he liked my set. Real wild, he says. I thank him and ask if he wants a lap dance. He says no. Asshole. I ask if he's going to tip me for my stage show since he didn't come up to the stage. He looks really reluctant and finally asks if I have a ten. I say no but I can get change. He tells me to forget it. Fuck. I go talk to Bubba. Some jerk behind us is leaning forward. I think this asshole is eavesdropping. I ask him if he's trying to listen to my conversation. No, he says, and this little snot nosed punk starts to lecture me on my bad attitude. I tell him to fuck off. What a fucking waste of my time. I see Tiki and talk to her for a bit. I leave and Punky Brewster tries to grab my arm to tell me something. I shake him off like a flea and go upstairs. Some guy atthe top of the stairs is asking for Kat. He tells me he's read me on the group. Do you want a lap dance?, I ask. Well, maybe later, he says. It's fucking 1:45. What the FUCK is he talking about?!?!? Just say no!! Fuck, be a fucking man. That's nice, you read my posts but you don't want to spend any money on me. Get lost. Even though I've become friends with some of the guys on this group, I don't go to work to make friends!!!!!!! Can people get this into their goddamn heads?!!? Compliments don't pay my rent. Jesus, if all I wanted was compliments I could go hang out in a bar. Or the street corner, for that matter. Will this night of rudeness never end? Guess not. I get home and my neighbor has parked his truck in the garage behind his wife's car. I can't get my motorcycle into my spot. All I can do is park my bike behind his truck since his truck is blocking access to THE ENTIRE GARAGE!! Since I'm not so rude as to block my neighbors' cars in or out of the garage I park my bike and leave my lock on my seat. I hope the jerk moves it into my spot and locks it before I wake up in the morning. Fuck this, I'm going to take a bottle of Valium and go to sleep. Kat