From: (j.)
Subject: top 10 reasons you dont lap with her anymore

10  cque asked you to be his control group
9   you find out youre gay
9a  you find out shes a "lezbo"
9b  you find out shes not a "lezbo"
8   you hate being thought of as a customer
8a  you hate thinking of yourself as a customer
7   you are the posterchild for the "als/douglee 12 step program"
6   you got to know her and began to like her
5   you went to costco a bought a vat of vaseline
4   you quit your job and became an ic
3   you and ender did cost/benefit analyses for lap dances
    and absolut-cranberrys and figured out vodka
    has a higher buzz quotient and is less addicitve
2   you want to prove to yourself that you are still
    "anonymous" in your favorite sc by checking
    how many people realize deviations in your
    lapdance frequency and by noting their
1   "damnit, i say where, i say when, i say how much"