ASSC-Con LV2: jumbled memories Well, its over now. I feel sorry for everyone who missed it. No, really, I feel sorry for you. It was sensory overload that I'm still trying to sort through. Reading other's posts helps, all those eyes recording the same thing, but from slightly different angles. Teena and I were sitting at the bar when Cheetah-Mark found us and lead us over to the rest of the group. We were greeted by and introduced to a bunch of ASSCers, almost all of whom I instantly forgot. Not that any of them were forgetable, but Cheetah's is a noisy/flashy/smokey place, and while I _like_ that kind of club, it is hard to meet and greet in that kind of environment. I got to speak to few ASSCers more than once. Standouts were LAAR, LMR, Dodger, Trig and CP-1 (man, does that guy look like a stripclub owner or what?!). The first ASSC-dancer I met was Lydia, what a surprise. I'd seen her photo on her web page, dark and gothic. What doesn't come through from that is how absolutley _cute_ the girl is! She looked exactly like Winona Ryder had stepped out of my Beetlejuice video tape and into my lap. Hey, what was Winona Ryder's character name in the movie anyway? Lydia was sleepless and on edge, running on fatigue and chinese herbal pep pills. I instantly liked her. ASSC-dancer number two was Ginger, the Brazen Hussy herself. In what was quickly turning into a trend, she outshined her photos too. I think I blurted something intellegent like, "Oh my God, you're gorgeous!" Just change Brazen Hussy to Gorgeous Hussy and you've got Ginger. And then ALS and Molly got there. And you know what folks... ALS IS A PERVERT!!! I don't know why I was surprised, we're all perverts on this bus. But ALS is a standout pervert. It's an art form for him. From the moment he walked in the room it got weird, and I lost access to my girlfriend. And yes I know what went on behind that coat, the wall behind you guys was a _mirror_. Just so I wouldn't feel left out, ALS and Teena sent Molly over to me for what some people have described as a "hug". If that was a hug then a dance would kill me. She was so smooth and pretty, but for some reason it was _me_ who ended up topless! I commented that she was very good at this, and she caught me in her eyes and sweetly replied, "no, I've never done anything like this before." Has anyone commented on Molly's eyes before? Looking in them, I absolutely believed her, that was the first dance she'd ever done. Amazing eyes. As the night went on I saw lots of neat stuff to please the pervert in me, Molly on Teena, Teena on Molly, Lydia on Teena, Lydia on me... Lydia is a little slip of a girl with small perfectly formed boobs, but she was able to drive my chair back until the guys at the table behind me had to scramble to save their beers. And then there was Ron Jeremy and the midgets and the porn stars. No really, porn stars and midgets! Do you see what I mean by sensory overload? Later, after most of the ASSCers had cleared out, Dodger talked Teena into changing into a costume she had brought with her and dancing for him. I was sure that management was going to toss us. I mean a customer stripping and dancing for another customer, how often does that happen? But not one word was said. I hope you liked your dances Dodger. As a final tribute to this strange night, I asked a now VERY tired Lydia for one more dance. She led Teena and I over to the couches by the door, a big improvement over the wheeled chairs. I think a whole pack of ASSCers followed to watch, but I wasn't paying attention. I startled Lydia by having Teena dance for her! Teena on Lydia, I see a kind of symmetry here. Teena loves to dance for other girls, and by all acounts she's good at it. I hope you liked your dance Lydia. The night ended with a dawn breakfast with Dodger, LMR, Sick, Lydia and Teena and I. I was pleased to see that Lydia was still wearing the dog collar she wore in the club. While we were eating, the rising sun bleached out the lights of Las Vegas. I was staring out the window when Ron Jeremy walked past, looking tired. I wonder what he was up to all night? Marc