From: Date: 11/24/1996 I already posted about meeting Edge for our pre-ASSC-LV on last Sunday. Monday COMDEX started. The crowds were unbelievable. No strip clubs that day. Picked up Peaches, my significant other at the airport that evening. All the lap dances that evening were at the hotel. Tuesday: After a longday at the convention center, the first priority was to find a place for Peaches to work. All of the clubs have had a major influx of out of town girls. She couldn't get on right away at Cheetahs, so we went down the street and she was hired on the spot at Little Darlings. So with her employed and my time free until 1:30 AM, I headed back to Cheetahs around 6:30. Mark had set up two tables with "reserved for ASS-C" at a prime spot near the front. I had some time to kill before the festivities were to start and Mark sat down to assc with me as the club started to fill up. He left us a stack of Cheetahs free passes to give away and had printed out a copy of my preASSC post with Edgewise. Before long, Kennedy, the uninhibited black dancer I had met on Sunday saw me and jumped on my lap. I read her the post and she has promised to post a follow up with help from Mark. In spite of how busy the place was becoming, she managed to find time to keep me company until the group arrived. Around seven we started. Edge rolled in, Link, Jay, and Jim Forte evntually became the group. Sue Lin, a tiny oriental we had met on Sunday was the first to jump on Edge. Kennedy, acting like a social director on a cruise ship, managed to introduce a series of dancers to our little party before she had to leave at nine. By that time, the night shift had started to roll in. Mark gave me the dancer list that by 9PM numbered over one hundred. Edge's Sunday night partner, Coco replaced Sue Lin, and was determined to spend the entire evening on Edge's lap. Edge and I were getting a type of two for 1. Edge paid Coco, she laid on his lap and played footsies with my inner thigh at the same time. Then she's turn over with her money maker in Edge's face, and her head was in my lap... Besides Coco's all night show, we had a great time talking about the LV clubs, CP and the awsome number of women available. The place was jam packed but almost all of the dancers at least tried to make some small talk instead of just a cold "wanna dance?". After following Edge's lead on Sunday, I gave Coco a lap dance before saying my goodbye's around one. Time to pick up my own "private dancer". Part II tomorrow-some dancer reviews & caught in the COMDEX flash flood of '96. enigma