From: Undefined Date: 10/31/1996 I arrived at TJ's a little after 9. I was soon spotted by ALS who tried to revoke my ASSCON-1 button for not posting. Since I "forgot" to wear it, I got away with just a tittie-twist instead. After saying hello to everyone, and meeting CP1, I proceeded directly with the laps. My first few were from Sierra. She is definitely my favorite girl overall; beautiful, seductive, young, great laps with lots of variety. Next up was Malaya. She is my favorite in the personality department, very friendly and talkative. She even played with ALS's Pekkle. I was having such a good time I had to run (literally) over to BofA to get more money. I spent most of the rest of the night watching and chatting, up until about a quarter till two when it becomes "lap or get out" time. Since it was really cold out outside (why do you think I ran?) I stayed till the end, and got a couple of laps from Angel. Good laps to end a great night. I will be looking forward to ASSConvoy-3. I'm still waiting to meet Z-Bone and personally thank him for his recommendation of Tally-Ho! What a great place! undefined un-de-fined (ùn-dî-fìnd´) adjective 1. Looming, obscure, nebulous, indefinite, aoristic. 2. Lacking definite form or limits.