From: (HGoof) Report: LA-ASSC-Convoy 9/24 I got to TJ's around 9:00 and looked around to see who from ASS-C would be there. It was not apparent who if any were there. When Crimson went on stage, I had to go to the rail and get a better view. It was then that I noticed the guy I was sitting next to folding dollar origami. I knew I was in the right place. Turned out to be DougY sitting with ENGNR1, Doug's Friend, the Kid, and several others. Four Eyes (I think that's right) next came in and quickly followed by a crowd of others. We all sat at the stage and really improved the tipping. I talked quite a bit (between looking on stage) with BluSky, take a look at his OC focused strip club page at "" (I think that's right, he wrote it on a TJ's card and I had to memorize and toss it.) I looked at it and tend to agree with him. (I like the Anaheim Fritz as does he). Like me, he was wanting to meet LapMeRich. There was a guy there who I was sure must be LapMeRich since he seemed to know alot of dancers and was particularly attracted to big titted blonds (an attraction of mine too). When I later asked him he said "yea, my name is Rich". The look on his face when I said "LapMeRich?" made me realize quick that I just propositioned a stranger named Rich. Shortly later the real LapMeRich came in sat next to BluSky. I was enthralled by Crimson, who practically spent the whole night with the false Rich. I waited all til after 11:00 for her to be free for a dance, and when she was free, Dodger got her before I could. I had a great time meeting some of the others. Thanks to ALS for the ASSCON-1 button, wearing it to the next meeting should make meeting up easier, since I'll have forgotten what every one looks like by then. While all of us ASS-Cers tipped the stage dancers, some dancers seemed shaken by the lack of attention they recieved and the amount of conversation. When someone passed around a napkin for each of us to write our names, the dancer on stage was really concerned and had to look. When she saw it, was she confused! I don't go to TJ's that often, and was very suprised how well several of the guys seemed to know the dancers. Early in the evening, none of us were getting dances, but as the evening went on, several guys disappeared to the wall with dancers. I think the most suprised one was the guy (I forgot who it was, maybe ENGNR1?) who ALS went and did a lap on. Dancers of note to me: Crimson, I've seen references to her on ASS-C and thought she is great looking with a fantastic body. I will definately go back for her. Barbie, I'll be back for a dance from her. Brandy, Yup, I'll look for her. Others, looked good but too many tattoos and piercings for my taste. I don't remember her name, but one dancer, with tattoos and piercings who reminded me of Wednesday from the Addams Family, did get my attention with a very seductive look in her eyes. All-in-all a great time. I missed meeting Zbone, Saxbeat, Dispater, and RJ. I wanted to let them know how much I enjoy their posts. I wish I had their sense of humor and observation. I told ALS I would post my thoughts, sorry it took so long, but my modem isn't working and I had to wait till I got to work to send this post.