From: (CalifENGNR) Subject: Re: Report: LA-ASSC-Convoy 9/24 Date: 28 Sep 1996 12:03:26 -0400 After about 4 tries..I'll put my "ASSC invades TJ's" post under this thread and see what happens: ******* I sat at the corner of the stage at TJ's, with a lithe young brunette named Joy writhing suggestively out of her outfit and into my face. Periodically though, my eyes wandered, looking for other ASSCers whose faces I'd never seen. I looked back at Joy, then to my left a guy sat down and quietly placed a napkin in front of me with the note "Does the term ASSC mean anything to you?" It was The Kid, in person, and the ASSC takeover of TJ's on Tuesday night had begun in ernest. As Kid and I were the only two guys actually talking to each other (all the others were either lapping or by themselves), other ASSCers gravitated like HGoof, IRL, a lurker named Dennis, Blue Sky and another lurker whose name escapes me. A waitress tapped me on the shoulder and pretty soon DougY, who must know every waitress at TJ's, not to mention every dancer in the universe, was on my right side. Soon to enter would be LapMeRich, Dave's Friend, Dodger, Agent X (I think), Skats and the inimitable Pope ALS himself (Hey lay off the Prozac man!! NO one could be as perpetually contented as you are Victor! Heh heh) We wrapped around most of the stage, the dancers being somewhat bemused by the origami and the incessant gabbing around the stage. LMR and DF were wearing newly designed ASSC regalia, including white polo shirts (perfect for Friday casual days at VERY casual offices) and baseball caps with a stylized logo. ALS passed out ASSCON -1 buttons, and, only God knows why, I ended up with my very own ASSC baseball cap. I am honored and flattered to be so rewarded. Ah, the nekkid women...fewer tattooed and pierced women than I'd remembered at TJ's (there was some but very tasteful) there was Joy (who spread joy on my lap, with ALS providing a free lap during the break with his rock hard bony ass. The timing was slightly strange, as I was just starting to come down from Joy's dance. (Hope I didn't injure you too badly, your Popeness. ) Joy is a petite brunette (long-hair) with a wonderfully compact, yet very soft body, very gentle on my lap. Since I was wearing boxer shorts under my brushed cotton dress pants, the effect was outstanding. Marisa was a tall brunette with long hair and impeccable gray eyes, who on the second dance worked my cock to near climax. Too bad the song ended, otherwise she'd probably still be on my cock as I type this. (My thoughts turn to an gothic rock band from the 80's called "Perpetual Intercourse") Crimson is a dead ringer for the dancer called Summer who danced at Mr. J's up till last spring. She spent most of her time when not on stage with some old guy in back, then later with Dodger. Her stage dance was incredible - she is a tall platinum blonde with the most sultry face and smile, and a very flexible body, including somersaults. She is so gorgeous I didn't mind that her boobs were likely the work of medical science. Unfortunately, the incremental tipping method didn't work, as she went back to the old man after the dance and not to me. Fucking good dances for $10 each. $10 cover to get in at night is a drawback, but the TJ's waitresses are cute and friendly. I had to leave after 11 to get on with my life of course, but it was great finally meeting so many of the people from the NG as well as from IRC. Z-Bone, Sax, RJ, you guys pooped out again. Fifty lashes each (or laps by ALS, whichever you choose. See, I'm reasonable.) ENGNR1