ASSC-CON EAST at Wagon Wheel, Baltimore Have just a few of hours between flights. Just returned from DC and ASSC-CON EAST, next stop: Hawaii. Had a GREAT time at the Wagon Wheel. Let's see: DrD, the Bishop, Dave from New York, DunkonYou and three or four lurkers. Great time meeting you guys. Thanks for the free beer. DrD, see you at CP in two weeks. The Wagon Wheel is a great down and dirty strip joint. Quick one song sets with audience participation, loud music, liquor everywhere, laps everywhere, guys hooting and hollering and drinking all night long. It looked like a scene from Sodom and Gomorrah: utter debauchery in every direction. Picture about 20 bikini-clad lapdancers writhing at all angles on top of men thru out a crowded small club. At both ends of the club are small stages with dancers surrounded by bachelor party goers. Loud, fast, and fun. I got laps from about 10 dancers and the level of lapdance ability was very high ( Personal favorites: Tess & Brawney ), higher overall than my home club, Chez Paree in San Francisco. Dancers were mostly in the 6 - 8 range, friendly, easygoing. ( One dancer did report to us that she had just kicked a grabby customer in the head with her high heels. ) Only downside is the waitresses hitting you up to buy a dancer a drink about every 10 minutes ( The dancers each need to sell 12 drinks, else they pay the difference. Drinks are $5.25 a piece, non-alcoholic. Most of the dancers just order a "regular", i.e., water, and sometimes just order a glass of ice ) This club is worlds apart from ASSC-WEST headquarters, the Chez Paree in San Francisco. Overall CP attracts a more subdued, older crowd. WW attracts a younger, louder, and raunchier crowd. At CP the ASSC members retire to a nice Italian dinner. At WW everybody is too busy drinking and shouting to even think about dinner. At CP the 3 song sets slow time down giving one time to talk about the meaning of life with fellow ASSC'ers & dancers. At the Wagon Wheel the 1 song sets speed everything up, it's a blur of activity. Probably the biggest difference is liquor. At CP customers and dancers take breaks from the club to go out and get a drink. At the Wagon Wheel there are coolers full of beer, six-packs, bottles of Jim Beam at every table. The guys are all drinking, the dancers are all drinking - all night long. At Wagon Wheel the lapdances are all out in the open and the dancers are in bikinis. I guess the fact that the girls can see what other girls are doing keeps the overall lapdance level there quite high. At CP the lapdances are in private booths so there is a much wider range of lapdance proficiency. Everything from plain boring to unbelievably hot. At the CP one can get full nude lapdances, steamy private shows, etc. That's a plus. At the CP there is no bouncer "presence", it's too quiet for that. At the Wagon Wheel I was relieved that the bouncer ( "Tiny" ) was bigger than the young rowdies. I would definitely be a regular at the Wagon Wheel if I lived within a state of it. Aloha