dunkonu@intr.net (Dunk On You) ASSCON-EAST, Dunk On You's Take Well, it all came together for me this afternoon, so after a trip to the beach, some sun, some diving, and a four hour drive, I found myself in the lap dance capital of the northeast, the Wagon Wheel. Tonight was ASSCON-EAST. Present were: Bishop (Ed), DrD (Steve), Vissidarte (didn't catch a name), Tom from DC, and myself. There might have been more there, but these are the guys I met and spoke to over the course of my stay. I walked into the club at around 9PM, found Ed who was wrapped up with Dr. Mercedes. I spoke with Ed briefly, then... My retirement was put on hold for just one more night as I was approached by a black-studded, thigh-high booted Star. Ohhhh, Star! If only you knew how soft your skin is and how silky your hair is! You, lady, are great! Soft, slow, sensuous laps are her trademark and she doesn't disappoint. Lady, you win! I give! A quick glance to the left, and I noticed an ASSCON-1 button on the shirt of a man getting a very energetic dance from a blonde (don't know her name)...later, I find out the man is non other than Vissidarte! Returning to the table, Ed and I spoke for a bit about his 500 day retirement. Wow! Who'd have thunk it! Ed, have fun! As I'm talking to Ed, a familiar figure appears to my right...it's none other than my buddy Samantha! She didn't recognize me when I walked in because I have shaved my beard...Ed chimes in, "That's what Scott told me!" We share a laugh then Samantha and I retire for dances. Samantha, Samantha, Samantha...What am I going to do? You have been a good club buddy to me, darlin'. We catch up on the goings on in our lives since my last visit, then the dances start. An hour later, I ask the question, " Why is it that my terrible case of 'Lap Ass' always flares up when you're doing your best to fire me up?" Still, I managed to enjoy the dances thoroughly and as always, you're a bud! You're one hot lady! Stay that way! And yeah, I'll go to the doctor about my Lap Ass. During the dances, I notice that Vissidarte is sitting on the other side of the table getting dances from Bronnie so I leaned over and introduced myself! That was the end of my dances for the night. I set a hard cash limit on myself tonight just in case. I'm glad I did. Retiring to the tables, I introduced myself to DrD. Steve, bra, thanks! As you can tell, I've about had it with clubs. It was great meeting you, finally! Good luck in your engagement and upcoming marriage! I'll come out of retirement to check out clubs with you anytime, wild man! Vissidarte, bra...you are one busy dud in the club! I'm glad you liked East Coast laps! The Wheel is great club. Next time you're in town, let me know...I'll meet you at the Wheel regardless of my retirement status! Tom, sorry I had to rush off...Cinderella Liberty sucks but when ya gotta work on a Sunday, Saturday nights suffer! All-in-all, I had a great time! Y'all are good people and it was wonderful to associate faces with names! Sure, there wasn't a huge turnout, but those of us who showed, showed the colors in fine style! In my book, ASSCON-EAST was a success! Y'all take care and yeah, I'll lose the exclamation marks...wouldn't want anyone to think I had a good time. Take care, Scott ***** bishop@access.digex.net (Ed Tuthill) ASS-Con East -- Thanks Thanks to those who came out last night; I definitely had a good time. Stayed until closing time, as always. And in five hundred days, we'll see what happens. It's been... an experience. Goddess bless. -Ed ***** From: SteveDrDRe: ASS-C at the WW Bill Larkins wrote: > > [SkiUL8r] > I haven't been on-line to much lately and haven't seen much on the ASS-C > East planned for the Wagon Wheel. Is it still planned for Saturday Aug > 10. LQQKing forward to the LAPS. > > [Bill] > Yep, it sure is! I _hope_ I don't have too much of a hangover to make > it... > > By the way, Shy Buxom Blonde said to say "hi!" to you... Okay, so I was a lousy host, and went home early. I had a great time, and the ASSCers I did meet--Dunk On You, Ed (The Bishop) Tuthill, Tom Nisonger, and VissiDarte--were truly fine companions. If others were around the house that night, I apologize for not seeking you out, but I had a reason or two. Generally they were sitting on my lap. Special thanks to BRAWNY, STAR, DAWN, and CINDI. I think I've forgotten how to write a real review, so I'll work on it off-line before I subject you to what went down last Saturday night. SteveDrD What I lack in organizational skills, I make up for in enthusiasm.