Got back today from a spur of the moment Las Vegas ASSC. Thanks for the idea, ALS!! I needed a break! ALS asked me last week if I and a friend might be interested in joining him in Las Vegas for an ASSC. "I'm getting a suite (penthouse suite at the Mirage- ALS travels in style). You won't have to worry about food or a place to stay if you come out. Get friends fly free and the ticket will be cheap." Tempting, real tempting. I tried to talk some of my friends into going, but the notice was so short and most people are scrambling for their rent at the end of the month. I don't pay mine until the 15th, so I'm not being very sympathetic. Okay, the dancers aren't biting. I see Bubba on Friday. "C'mon, Bubba. Please please please. It'll be soooooo much fun." Bubba was clearly in agony when he explained how swamped he's been at work. Oh well, time to call and harass my friends some more. I call one of my friends about 5 times on Saturday and once Sunday morning. She gets real close but stays at the edge of the pool. She's been reading "Literary Las Vegas" and comes closer than Bubba did to tagging along, but... Fuck it, I say. I bite the bullet and buy a ticket for myself, friends fly free or not! This will be my last chance for fun for a while. I know I'll be so stressed out in a couple of weeks my eyeballs will be hanging from their sockets. I go to the Chez Paree meeting at 2 (more on that some other time), go home, pack a bag, and split. Off we go on yet another adventure. I get into town and call my answering machine to see if ALS left a message. He did, they're at the Mirage, room x. I call and get the rooms voice mail. Shit. They aren't there. Maybe a friend of mine who lives in town is home. I decide to call him from the hotel. The shuttle ride to the hotel is full of idiots from Virginia. I shut my eyes and think of cool waterfalls. I am, of course, the last stop. Once at the hotel, I realize ALS and his friend are still not in their room. I get upstairs, ring the bell, and stomp downstairs, muttering expletives under my breath the entire time. I leave an angry message on the rooms voice mail and go to find a regular phone. I hear someone call my name- it's ALS. Relieved and not angry anymore, I give him a bug hug. We find his friend and go to the room. ALS and (I don't know if it's okay for me to use his name, so I'm just going to refer to him as The Bodyguard) Bodyguard have already eaten, so I order a sandwich and get ready to go out to see the Cirque du Soleil with them. My friend in town rants and raves about how terrible it is, then asks me, with a bit of concern in his voice, if I'm paying for it. I tell him no, he seems a little bit relieved, and I go to the show with a deep fear of actually enjoying myself. Okay, I can see what my friend means, but I manage to actually really like some of the acts. I love circuses and could really sit and watch tumblers and trapeze artists for days. I came to find that my friend was only referring to the theme of the show, the music, the costumes, and I felt my guilt wash away like grease off a plate. I digress, however. Strip-clubs, not circuses, right? Hmm, what about the connection between the hootch-girl and the sideshows of the early part of this century? I'll save that for another post. Later that night I hung out with ALS and checked out the gambling tables. We met some old Playmate, got an autograph for Bubba, and ALS proceeded to try to sell me on the evils of gambling. Since I ended up gambling with some of his money, I was able to bring myself to pull a few slots, place a few bets, throw a couple of dice, and play a little blackjack. The blackjack wasn't too bad, but watching people gamble their houses away while the casinos convinced them they were having fun doing it was the best part. I lost $15 for ALS, gave him back the rest of the chips, and went to the bathroom to wash off my hands. Thanks, ALS, but not for me. I'm too much of a bad loser to enjoy it. Monday day was spent hanging around with ALS and the Bodyguard. Shopping, eating, getting ready to go out again. My friend, who I haven't seen a several months, was supposed to go out ASSCing with us after he showed me his new house. Things got hectic at the office, he had to cancel, and I got bummed out. ALS, the Bodyguard, and two glasses of wine perked me right back up, as did the 4x espresso I had after dinner. Zing!! We met JayJ outside a couple of minutes after nine. He seemed to be in a big rush and didn't want to wait to see if anyone else showed up. Apparently he was pretty confident no one else would show and his car had to be moved RIGHT THEN. I hate being rushed like that and was miffed that we were being so potentially rude to anyone else who took the time to show up. If anyone did, I'm sorry. It's Jay J's fault (snicker). Our first stop was Cheetah's. Since I had heard that Cheetah's has more of a variety of women than Olympic Gardens, I went in kind of excited. I got bored after about two minutes. The majority of the women had fake tits (oh, excuse me, I meant to say breast augmentations). The lighting was way too dark. Jay said the club had just switched a lot of the regular lights for black lights. Whatever. I could tell Jay felt bad. He kept apologizing and explaining that his favorites weren't working that night. I saw one good dancer. Maybe there were more, we didn't stick around very long. I will say that many of the women there could do some good pole tricks. However, I like women who don't look like they all came out of the same cookie cutter. Yes, I know that is what most people want. Most people are sheep, though, and believe the media when the media tells them the ideal of feminine beauty just stepped out of a Budweiser commercial. Damn, I love San Francisco dancers!!! After Cheetah's we headed over to a nude club, Little Darlings. Fuck that topless bullshit, let's get a little raunchier. It turned out that they were having an amateur night. Since I was wearing suitable lingerie under my clothes I decided it would be fun to do the contest. ALS, the Bodyguard, and Jay J went into the club and I waited for the manager to come get me. There were 5 other women in the contest. Two of them had never danced before. One of them had worked at Little Darlings in the past. Another worked at Crazy Horse. I don't know the story on the woman who won. Since I didn't really have to do anything to get ready besides pick out my music, I went over to the dj booth. The dj, Buddha, was pretty friendly, but when I started asking him about different kinds of music he gave up and told me to just go ahead and look. Must of the music was not to my liking. I finally managed to find two songs that I felt I could enjoy: Mexican Radio by Wall of VooDoo and My Way by Sid Vicious. I wouldn't be surprised if the club asked him to remove the cds from his collection after that night. I sat backstage and talked to some of the other women. I was getting pretty fucking bored and was contemplating leaving when we finally got around to the contest. By the way, I heard while I was back there that the dancers will get fined $500 for cursing in the dressing room. You know what I have to say about that? Fuck off!! That's one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard. Talk about castrating people, this is stupid. I was of course the last woman on the list. Just when I thought my last tooth was about to fall out and my last remaining hair had turned gray, it was my turn to dance. I lit my cigar and went out on stage. I was wearing a full length black skirt, an over the hip black vest, a black jacket, a black hat, black stockings, a black bra, and a black garter with panties. I don't think I could have been wearing anymore clothes. I almost laughed when I saw the audiences reaction. I'm sure most of them were quite worried that I was going to be a total priss. Wrong! I stripped out of my jacket, let my hair fall out from under my hat, and proceeded to give the sluttiest, raunchiest show that club has ever seen. I hate gentlemen's clubs with their castrated, phony sexuality. I hate being told what I have to look like to be sexy or what I have to wear. I really hate being told how to act. A lot of the set is a bit vague in recollection. I felt so good I got kind of a natural high going. I did the old dollar through the clit ring bit, whereupon the crowd proceeded to go apeshit... don't see that in Vegas at these "gentlemen's clubs", do you? I ended the set by going over to ALS and giving him a long and sloppy french kiss. I think the management hated me. At the end of the show the women went out to the stage for the applause meter. They wore bikinis. I was, with the exception of my opened up vest, naked. Shaved pussy, piercings, slutty as a cat in heat. I didn't win but apparently Jay J asked ALS if I would be willing to give him a private show. Should have asked me, Jay. You snooze, you lose. And no, Jay, I don't have to have s/m sex ALL the time. I can be normal if I feel like it. Jay J, ALS and I had to wait around for a while for the Bodyguard to finish up his time with his new friend. Since I had to go to the airport in a few hours, we decided to call it a night. Jay J dropped us off. Good meeting you, sorry we didn't have more time to talk. I was trapped in the curse-free dressing-room-of-the-ultimate-bore. The Bodyguard hit the sack as soon as we walked in the door. I made sure my things were ready for the morning, laid in bed, and realized I was too wound up to sleep. I ended up talking to ALS until I had to leave about the meaning of life, relationships, people, religions, the future of the human race, and other light hearted subjects. We also called Bubba and teased him for not showing up. Gotta joke around sometimes or you'll go batty. I was a wreak today, but it was certainly worth it. Thanks ALS, Bodyguard, and Jay J for helping me have such a fantastic time.