The following is a brief report on ASSCon-NYC5, which took place on August 9th of this year. Our group visited 2 clubs: starting at Privilege, a high end "gentlemen's club" in midtown Manhattan & ending at an unnamed "underground club". The outing was sponsored & organized by JeanValjean of Yahoo! New York City Strip Clubs. You can read his & other members' accounts of that evening at: From: nex2nuthin ( Privilege was okay, the best part being it was essentially free. The buffet was decent, we got a free drink & a gift CD holder. We never took part in the champagne tasting, but were given a complimentary bottle that we took to our next stop, for the purpose of both impressing & intoxicating the girls there in the hope they'd be inspired to go even further than usual. (Although what mosta the girls there could POSSIBLY do while drunk that they don't already do sober, I have no fucking idea.) But getting back to Privilege for a second, the girls at first were only so-so, but later a good number of cute-to-gorgeous ones kept arriving, including one I will one day make my wife. When she was on stage, I asked her name & she said "Whatever you want it to be". I asked her how Mrs. Nuthin sounded, but she said she preferred Washington, like the one I was holding in my hand. I could tell she wanted me badly. The 1 lap dance I got (from another girl) seemed essentially a 5.25--a little contact, but not very sustained. Much like the one I got at Lace at ASSCon-1. This is an expensive place, & not the place if you're looking for action, but it's not a bad place to hang out, nurse a drink & gawk. The eye candy is TERRIFIC. Got to our second stop around 8PM. Needless to say, this kinda place is always the REAL reason guys wanna attend ASSCons. (Well, actually, not always--three guys chose to stay behind at Privilege, but I think they were planning to go somewhere else, & I suspect that wasn't a monastery.) There weren't any athletic or gravity-defying stunts this time around, like at ASSCon-4. Maybe cause Stunt Girl wasn't present. I didn't think the lineup was quite as good in terms of either quantity or quality as last time, but it was more than adequate for enjoyment, which I believe most of us definitely experienced to a very advanced degree. I know certainly SOMEBODY enjoyed himself--& still might be at it, for all I know. In fact, that girl doing this member's member mighta set an all-time world land endurance record in the "biathlon" event (for those not athletically inclined, in this event the girl eventually brings both sets of lips into play, if you catch my drift). If she was doing it on a flat fee (it certainly wasn't on a flat surface), that mighta turned out to be a minimum wage violation. But talk about cool--at one point, while the girl's still deep-throating him, I notice that this guy's holding a LIT cigarette in his hand! I quit a dozen years ago, but I always used to wait til AFTER to light up!!! Still, I felt like I was watching history unfold before me. And when you recall the last one, where one of the attendees muff-dived the anti-gravity girl for probably at least 45 minutes without coming up for air (officially qualifing him for submarine duty, btw, should he ever care to enlist in the service), it gives you one more reason to ASSCon every time, cause you never know when you'll miss something you might read about someday in Guinness. But as always, the best part for me was in meeting board members. I was obviously very thrilled to FINALLY meet Rath & King401, who go way back on the board, & blkthought, who's been here for a somewhat shorter time. Also a pleasure meeting Watchman, who I'm pretty sure I've seen before at the second spot (tho never talked to) & Wrecked, who I think posted only once on the board, but that was SOME terrific post, & Arobins, who I've corresponded with occasionally in the past via email, but had never met. And of course, it was also great hanging again with some of the usual suspects like Valjean, Eel, Justin & Slinky. Ozzy also showed at Privilege, but I didn't really get a chance to talk to him, just introduced myself at the end. I think that was the crew, if I'm forgetting anybody, my apologies. All in all, a terrific time--which seems to be the norm for New York City ASSCons so far. Thanks for putting it together, Valjean. From: Valjean ( First Stop: Privilege Got there about 5:25. I was greeted by Sandy the hostess for the Moulin Rouge evening I told her to expect about 10 guys and by the time we left, that's how many actually showed. I went over to the bar because they hadn't activated the stage dancing yet. One member of our group, eel, was already there. A dancer that I had met on Saturday named Zoe, came over to me. I bought her a drink, and fondled her for a while hanging with eel. Shortly thereafter, nuthin and blackthought came in. We waited at the bar for them to put some girls on stage. Around 6, we went and sat near the stage figuring that if we were sitting there they'd put some girls up there. They finally opened the buffet, and started the stage action. The food was surprisingly edible for strip-club fare. The dancers they started with were mid to high 7 caliber and kept improving as time wore on. The rest of the guys showed up over the course of an hour or so. It was good finally meeting Dr Rath after e-mailing for the past 2 years. (I knew he couldn't stay away from an event at Privilege.) There was also a surprise appearance from Slinky and Ozzy from UG. The Moulin Rouge theme was interesting. I haven't seen so many stockings, garter-belts and corsets in a very long time, and for me at least, it was an interesting change of pace. Some of the dancers did a decent stage show with occasional good floor work. What was interesting to me, was how dancers seem to miss their opportunities. I was hit with a few wannadances, but for the most part the dancers didn't focus on our little group. A big mistake, because it is probably the biggest group of true pervs they're likely to see there for some time. I only ended up buying one dance in the 5 minutes before we left from this very sweet looking Latina with a terrific ass (her name escapes me right now). I got only a 5+ level dance, but she did grind her pussy right on my hand a few times so I may have to adjust that up to a 6. I was prepared to drop significantly more than I spent. Around 7:30 seven of us departed for the second spot. I left with a cold complementary bottle of champagne (actually a cheap sparkling white wine) and a couple of women's Hennessy t-shirts to wrap it up in. We all got Moet CD holders as parting gifts of the club. Second Stop:Underground I only had room for one in my truck, and the rest went with King401 in his car. Justintyme and I got to the second spot first, and we saw the others approaching from down the block. This is THE underground spot. I don't think this club sees 7 guys walk in the door at one time very often. I had called ALL my LF's to tell them to be there, and I also called the club and told them to expect us at 8, which is exactly when we got there. The physical club is a dump, but you can't beat the combination of mileage/$ in this club (except maybe at the promoter parties). It is also probably one of a very few venues in this city where you can get a full contact lap dance in the daytime. There was a good assortment of about 10 or 12 girls. Ranging in quality from 3-7+ Caliber. The average mileage in this club is 10. Besides our small group, there were maybe 3 or 4 other customers. As soon as I walked through the curtain into the high mileage area, I was greeted by one of my LF's, a very cute petite English sista, I gave her one of the Hennesy t-shirts and she took me to a couch in the very dark back room (I think the bulb blew). She proceeded to give me a true GFE. At this point, I stopped paying any attention to what anyone else was doing for a good little while. After my LDTC (lap dance to completion - an expression I found on UG), relaxed, I went to the fridge to get a beer, and look around to see what else was going on. I went into the front room where the AC was working better, and cooled off. When TK, one of our Philly brothers showed around 9 or so. After a half hour or so of bullshitting with other club members who were also taking a break, I zeroed in on this very pretty Dominican dancer. She doesn't have much English unless she wants to, but I was able to communicate my desires to her. She worked VERY hard for a good long while to get me off one more time, but the first girl had taken it out of me. I left around 10p, so someone else will have to tell me what time Eel finally finished up with that Latina who seemed so determined to complete her task. She was at it for a good 40 minutes when I left. Don't know if the guys went anywhere else, but it was relatively early when I left.