More or less what I jotted down before I hit the road after one helluva celebration. Consciously left out everything interesting. -- So tired. Damn. What was her name? Ember. It was a makeout session. She sweat profusely. I think she was into it. Maria. She was very soft. More making out. "Hi, I'm Jerry Lahti from Finland." Asscman! Excellent. Mimi. It's been years since a girl did that to me. I wish she hadn't left a hicky. Kinda undermines the credibility of me telling Jen that I love her and want her with me. Well, that and the fact that I'm taking Christine to Boston with me for the weekend. What a jerk. Princess. I know why she's everyone's favorite. Great butt! She loves my hair... I love her fingers in my hair (P to ALS: "I had to grind a lot of dick to buy those balloons...") Honduran Cigars. Cool. Kat. Hi Kat! Tiki: Wait! *You're* DougLee? Wow. I'm a celebrity. Tiki thought I'd be a big, burly guy. Flattering really, since that's a romantic image. No. I'm not a big, burly guy. Think Mowglie, from Rudyard Kipling's "The Jungle Book". Mowglie wearing a camel hair jacket. For the romantics, I look really cute in a loincloth. More sand. Flaming stage show by Tiki. So unbelievable I won't even try. Maria seemed tense so I scratched her back and gave her a backrub. Don't worry, baby. It'll all work out. Mimi on lap for two hours. Man, this is starting to hurt! Oh wait. Damn that feels good. Undercard: Tiger engaged in fisticuffs with spunky Rack girl. Main Event: Tiger faces off with Tiki, who actually thumps him pretty hard in the chest! Tiki's full of surprises. So I woke up Saturday evening and this thought pops into my mind: "Bunch of ASSC pins in pockets all night..." Might as well check. Hmm. That explains much. Word of advice, do not carry pins in your pockets if you plan to have women grind against your lap all night. ALS, my friend, happy birthday. -- Doug