>  So it's FTSD, eh? What To Do when yer  stone-cold wasted, 
epiphanized, just-plain lazy ... scan your un-posted e-mail dreck, put a fancy 
label on it, & call it your Worst ... this is a random sample from 1-97 ... :

DrD--> So I missed most of it, and I'm currently typing furtively, hoping that 
some 'bot in the corporate IT bowels cannot read this deep into my machine, 
copying every keystroke into identical electrons so that company purity is 

It was a year that sucked.  It was a year that failed to suck.  I started it
married to a dancer.  I will end it married to a furniture refinisher.  One
never really knows who will be a friend and who will be a betrayer in this
business.  The same people that put on my wedding reception and took pictures
turned on my bride two months later.  She doesn't dance in banjoland anymore.

I moved, and having moved, found ESL.  But no trips to the eastside lately--not
epiphanizing, just, well, I'm in love with an ex-dancer, and I ain't gonna f*ck
it up this time.  She'll want to go soon enough, and that should be good.

I don't rant anymore about stupid management tricks, dancer shit, crack head
boyfriends, or not getting high mileage.  I must be getting old.  Or apathetic. 
Or scared.  Or all three.  I just want to sell a house I left behind and get
caught up on my bills.  Or...

Sit in a dive in East St. Louis with CMG, crackin' on the locals, and waiting
for the most amazing stage mileage.

Walk the streets of SF with the departed DarkPrince, discuss clubs as the
crucibles that tests human souls to destruction  and feel anarchy as a way of

Go on a virtual tour of the Harmony with EYE, and wish I could get away for just
a little while.

Listen to JohnCross one more time relate about the "Year of Spending Cash

Hear a Murph story.  Again.

I think I hear somebody trying to kick-start another ASSCycle.  I figure it
probably will.  I mean, as long as there is lust and money, sex and candy, there
will be stories to tell and cautions to weave and boasts to brag on, then there
are topics to be discussed on ASSC.  Maybe I'll even rejoin them sometime during
the next year.