From I was going to write about my wedding for AFTSD, but that has very little to do with the club scene, except that I married a dancer, who was given away by the club owner, and our photographer was his wife, and our reception was organized by their daughter, who is also a dancer, and the cake was made by another dancer. Uh, so in a nutshell, that was the wedding. I was going to write about by fascination with a dancer who was a user of human souls, except that I found out that I had already written that up once, and reruns on Usenet are pretty stupid things. I was going to write about my first trip to the Huddle Club, Fantasy Lounge, Cafe Erotica, Glitter Gulch, Golden Horseshoe, Good Guys, Opequon Hill Lounge, Mitzi's, Mitchell Brothers Theatre, Temptations, Olympic Gardens, Diamond Club, Fifty Yard Line, Wagon Wheel, Chez Paree, Gold Club,... I was going to write about the night I had to serve as a cab driver for a dancer who had too much to drink. She could no longer dance, but she wanted to party. So we did. From club to club. Punctuated by groping, fondling, licking, drinking. I remember her comment as I lapped away by the light of a mercury vapor lamp, "Oooh, Steve, you lick cootchie just like a girl." I was going to write about a trip to Walt Disney World with two dancers, and how normal we all can be in some situations...and how preposterous in others. I was going to write about my birthday last year, wherein I appeared at one club, was told to "Open your mouth, and close your eyes," and heard "You're dosed," as the blotter paper hit the back of my tongue. Later at a second club, I got nude laps from every dancer in the club, a cake was brought out for me, and I indulged in oral/digital fun behind the second bar. But she sucked ;^). I was going to write about virtual people who communicate solely by means of electrons and electromagnetic fields, causing interesting patterns to appear on my computer monitor. I was going to tell how it felt to meet some of them, and know that the patterns would never be the same, but would now carry the sounds of their voices. I was going to try to talk about how the core members around this group are something more than people with common interests, but that may have sucked. We have argued, agreed, supported and condemned one another. We have welcomed newbies and seen long time supporters leave, sometimes quietly, sometimes raging into the night. I was going to write about humor, emotion, ego, greed, denial, lust,... But ALS already wrote that post. I was going to write about all the dancers I could remember, but a recitation of names can never introduce you to them, let you look at them, get to know some of them, wish you had never met others. It all boils down to: Life Fails To Suck. It is an unending panoply of wonders, sometimes in monochrome, sometimes in IMAX Panavision. Thanks, everybody, for being such wonderful creations, whether in my mind or yours. SteveDrD