From: (Douglas Lee)
Subject: Re: New Century SF Report, 9/02/95 - AD's PARTY!!

On the second day, I recalled being alive.
On the third, I regained bodily sensation.
On the fourth day, my vision returned and I staggered off to work.

They had the audacity to expect me to actually work.  I ignored
them and tried to collect my thoughts.

Not successful.  Fortunately, I scrawled down some notes before
I lost consciousness Saturday.

Here they are:

ALS is in fact a god.
AD is the Hammer of God.
You are all unworthy.

Meagan is a sweetheart and quite injured.  Two dances in the wall
room.  She's a youth counselor.  Three years of school.  All A's,
ran out of money, Oregon, red wig made her look like Margo Kidder.
Likes eyes, she was brushing back my hair so she could see mine.
Hers were blue like marble.

Princess gives a very good grind and is a nursing student with many
body piercing.  She sweat a *lot*.  Said I could touch her anywhere
that wasn't covered, that I had gotten her hot and wanted me to
"tease" her [Ed - was that her or Ava?  Damn I must have gotten
hit harder than I thought].   Got sweat on my lips.

Samantha was *very* hot the first round. It was like being with a
lover. She's fairly new I believe.

Maria seemed *very* enthusiastic about me.  Gave me a free wall
room teaser, ran her fingers through my hair and played with my
nipples while I watched the stage show of "The Goddess".  She asked
me a question, "You're beautiful, do you know that?"  She also sweat 
quite a bit.

Holly was the best and only black dancer I've ever had.
No reaction at first but the girl would not give up, she just
kept up 'til my flag was hoisted.

Samantha was not so good the second time around.

The Goddess appeared to me.  She called herself Ava.  Her first
night stripping.  She's 23,  hails from Atlanta, and looks like she
stepped out of a 1940's black and white movie.

She is an absolutely stunning creature, graced by unimaginable

I was her first wall dance; she was mine as well.  My mind
unraveled.   I would die for her, more easily I would kill for her.
She whispered that I was "extremely sexy", complained that she
was "so tempted to just pull it out and..." [Ed - yeah,
fuck you too].  "See how hot you've made me?" she chided me
as she drew my hand across her sweaty chest.  "I want you to
tease me."

Interestingly enough, she collects reptiles.

She sweat profusely.  She was very tall, jet black hair, black eyes,
very pale.  Perfect skin.  Scratches.

It's like being struck by a bolt of lightning.  Very difficult to
describe afterwards...

She gave me a very *long* wall room dance.   Afterwards
she thanked me, told me that it had been "her pleasure" , that she
couldn't believe that she had been paid to do it, that she would
have gladly done it for nothing [Ed - okay, I might be full of
shit on this part, sue me].

Considering going back to strip in Atlanta for the '96 Olympics.
Moved with a swaying motion.  Spoke with a soft, lilting Southern 
accent.  Perfect figure.  God, I've never held or touched a woman
of such sheer beauty.  Not even close.

She writes Web pages.  She asked me if she wanted a root beer
or an orange soda.  I told her she wanted a root beer.  She offered
to buy me a Pepsi but ALS had already covered me there.
Her stage show *blazed*.  My shoes caught on fire.  Luckily the
elves were fully alert and ready for the contingency.  She
moved like a cat.  The last dance was perfect.  She danced nude
to "Closer"  by Nine Inch Nails.  OMIGOD!!!  Plus, Maria came up
behind me and started playing with my nipples and running her hands 
through my hair.  It's the only way to watch a stage show.

The New Century rules.
My crotch is still buzzing

Must go home and jerk off.  First must view Kianna JPEG.
Edit tomorrow.   You are all unworthy to lick the sweat off of Ava's


Your total comes to $258.  Thank you, drive through.

 -- Doug