From: (CMG)
Subject: Like Living in a Bob Smyth Post (My Week at Mitchell Bros.)
Date: August 26 - 31, 1996

Before going to Mitchell Brothers' Theatre (SF, Calif.), I did some homework.
I read the FAQ, and I read as much Bob "High Mileage" Smyth on MBT as I 
could find.

There is such a thing as being over-prepared. I felt like I became Bob Smyth. 
I wore shorts with plaid boxer shorts underneath. I took along a bunch of 
rubbers. I studied Bob's MBT LBB names. I took a seat in the movie room, and 
waited for the magic to happen.

Something was wrong.

I hate porno movies. I really hate watching porno movies, unless I've got a 
cute stripper squirming on my lap. I hate sitting, waiting for cute strippers to 
come to me. When they did, I couldn't remember seeing their names on 
Bob's LBB. So, I said yes to all of them. It's dark in there. I got a few bad, one-
minute laps. I realized that becoming Bob Smyth took more than plaid boxer 
shorts and a pocketful of rubbers. I needed a new strategy. One that worked 
for the "Bob Smyth" inside me.

(End of scary part.)

I tried all the different rooms.

New York Live - zzzzzzzzz
Green Door Room - $$$$$$$$$
Ultra Room - ouch
Copenhagen Room - click click yawn
Cabana Room - ahhhhhh, I like that

The cabanas are new at MBT. They are round, padded stand-up booths, 
about three feet in diameter, with curtains that stop about a foot off the 
floor. For $40, the girl will do a high-mileage wall dance about 2 to 4 songs in 
length. Bigger tips get you even nastier action. Anything seems possible.

The cabanas are my type of fun. But it can be expensive. To get the most
"bang for the buck", I followed a few simple, common sense strategies. For
one thing, it's easy for anyone to see all the comings and goings in the
cabanas. You can't see anything from the calves up, but you can deduce a
lot by watching the feet and the guy's pantlegs. (ALS pointed that out for 
me.) When one of the dancer's feet disappears, that's good. When they both
disappear, that's better. When the guy's cuffs go up and down, you can be
sure something good is happening.

And so on.

(If I was any good at ascii art, I'd draw a picture.)

Usually, I just took one who looked good for a "test drive" in the movie room. 
I hung out around the snack counter and "scoped them out".

Sometimes they would ask me:
"Would you like some company?"
"Let's go see a movie." I'd say.

Other times, I'd be "pro-active":
"Wanna watch a movie?"

A curious sidenote: A disproportionate number of the strippers I settled on, I'd 
discover afterwards, were in between working dildo shows in the Green Door 
Room. "You're smelling them," Bob Smyth later told me. "You don't know you 
are, but you're smelling them." Or maybe ALS said that, too. I forget.

Once I got one in the movie room (or once she got me in there), she'd
invariably say, "You know, we could have a lot more fun with some more
privacy," meaning another room and bigger bucks.

"I know," I'd reply. "I just wanna be sure I've got a good girl."
They usually understood and did their best to reassure me.

But one asked, "What do you mean 'good'? I associate that with 'virtuous'". 
That nearly threw me. It took a second to steer it back to talk of buttcheeks, 
boners, semen and the like. I tried to keep my MBT conversation as 
superficial as possible.

When your lapper is working in the classic, sitting position, you can't see any 
of the movie. That's fine. You still hear a lot of sighs and moans. Sometimes, 
you'd swear the sounds are coming from your stripper. Sometimes they are. A 
fun thing to say is, "Pardon me. Was that you moaning?" If she's got anything 
on the ball, she'll play along, squealing like your very own porno starlet. If 
you're into that sort of thing.

After a few minutes in the movie room, she'll ask, "Want me to stick around?" 
If she's a "good one", I'd say, "Let's go to the cabana."

It's like a date. First a movie, then dancing.

In the cabana, I always started out tipping the $40 minimum. I upped that
to $60 or $80 just to see what it got, but went back to $40. Wall dancing is 
new to me. So are bikini dances. I discovered I sort of like feeling a cute girls 
tits through her bikini top. The thing I really like is the way they reach up and 
grab the top of the booth wall for leverage - the better to squish your lap 
with their buttcheeks. It looks really good from behind. Sometimes, I'd pet her 
back and say, "Good girl".

Speaking of good girls, here's a few names I remember:

Day Shift: Corinna (or Karina?) & Shane (she's on Bob's list, too) Night Shift: 
Cheyenne, Arianna, Bianca

There were others, but I'm not sure about their names. They're all cute, 
young, small-breasted blondes about 5'-6" to 5'-10". I have no idea why I
always picked them. They just seemed right for Mitchell Brothers. I guess it 
was the "Bob Smyth" inside me.

CM "Cabana Boy" G