Now playing in Theater #1 @ the ASS-Cinema Multiplex in lovely Lap
Dance National Park:

"Drag and Drop Comebacks"
(3:00, 7:00, 9:00, 10 minutes before closing)

   Shelbi66 as DOM (Dancer of the Moment)
   Ook! as Mr. Snappy
Edited by ALS=20
Created by CMG

"I was absolutely enthralled by this story of a Dancer longing for a
favorite customer to shower her with attention and $ecurity, in return
for... well... come to think of it... I'm not exactly sure..." =20
          Link, LNS

DOM-->  How to be a dancer's favorite?
MR. SNAPPY-->  I always use one of my patented "Snappy" comeback

DOM-->  1. Go early in the night/day.  The club is often not as busy
at this time in the shift.  She will be more relaxed, look better and
be happy to see you.

MR. SNAPPY-->  No can do, this planet is boring, have to go home.

DOM-->  2. Don't buy roses or flowers at the club for her.  They
are overpriced and flimsy and she would appreciate a $5 or $10 tip on
stage better.

MR. SNAPPY-->  Mommy would punish me if she found out I'd been bad.

DOM-->  3. Speaking of tips on stage.  Anything more than a dollar
will get you a bigger smile, hug, etc.  It doesn't take much to
make you stand out from the rest of the crowd.

MR. SNAPPY-->  I'm feeling a little off since my colostomy bag broke a
couple of minutes ago.

DOM-->  4. Dancers like to be flattered.  A man once gave me $100
in ones on stage.  Just scattered them all over the stage.  I felt
like a queen. Dancers want other girls to see that.  Even $15 or $20
looks good littered on the stage.  Hint:  it's a good show when she is
crawling around on the stage collecting it!

MR. SNAPPY-->  You're not carrying any bread or mustard, are you? I
just can't enjoy dancers without them.

DOM-->  5. There is a big difference in knowing how to flirt well
or just having a few dumb lines that she might/might not fall for.  Be
subtle and get the point across... Show some class.

MR. SNAPPY-->  Hi, my name's Bill Johnson, have you thought about your
life insurance needs lately?

DOM-->  6. Know when to leave.  She would love to spend all night
with you, but she needs to make money too.  If you would like her to
sit with you all night, be prepared to pay her what she would normally
make.  If not, let her go when the time is right.  Don't get upset,
you will see her again real soon.

MR. SNAPPY-->   need fresh meat, full moon!=20

DOM-->  There will be more later.  Feel free to add any more.

MR. SNAPPY-->  There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers.
This reply is an example of the latter.