From: Murf <>
Subject: [ASSC][AFTSD 2003] Why we SC - sorta
Date: Tue, 02 Dec 2003 14:43:49 -0800
X-No-Archive: yes
Skin, so soft, so perfect.
Skin, begging to be touched...
Skin, covering mounds of fat and silicone, topped with a slice of
salami, capped by a cherry, demanding the bottle-fed's attention...
Skin, convoluted, folded, the flower, 'home base', on display for all,
although she assures it's for you alone...
Skin, each cell with a scent unique; heady; exciting; erotic...
Skin, 19 years old, shaped to catch the eye of a 50-yr-old horndog...
...who looks...
...who smells...
...who touches...
...who buys her a piano...
Skin, it's worth it though, because it's....
Suppose you were an idiot...
And suppose you were a member of Congress...
But I repeat myself.
-- Mark Twain