From: (Solo Polyphony)
Subject: ASSC - AFTSD Thanks
Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2003 00:31:01 GMT
Lines: 33
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X-Original-Trace: 2 Dec 2003 16:31:01 -0800,

I've only been to a club once or twice in the past year plus and those were 
pretty ordinary experiences, so I don't really have anything exciting to 
talk about.  Given that Thanksgiving has just passed, though, I thought it 
might be reasonable to just list list a few of the things I'm thankful for.

I'm thankful for:

        - warm summer days and nights when the ladies wear next to nothing -- 
even at work

        - and that buses and trains are crowded

        - that there are places you can go where the ladies wear nothing at
all, even in the middle of winter

        - that it doesn't matter how old/fat/ugly you think you are because
the ladies at those places will never let on that they agree with you

        - that there are wives who don't mind you visiting the naked ladies --
and sometimes enjoy visiting them as much as you do

        - that when you want to go visit the naked ladies, but it's raining 
too damn hard to go out of the house, there are wives who will recreate the 
whole club experience in the comfort of your own living room -- right down to 
arguing over the number of dances you've had and the cost of extras

        - that no matter what you claim, or how grounded in reality your 
posts are, there will always be somebody on this group who will step up and 
remind you that, "Dud, you're full of it!"

Thanks to all of you for brightening my morning commute every day!

        S, who fails to suck whenever the ladies' nipples move too quickly