Dangerous E-mail
I was getting worried that I wouldnt have anything to contribute to AFTSD
this year when it was proposed again. With work and family constraints being what they are
this time of year, and after reading the amazing post by QuantumLeap, probably some of the
best writing Ive ever read on this board, and with my verbal skills being
significantly lower than my math skills I thought Id skip this year.
However, shortly after Rebel quit being the founder of the Yahoo! Clubs site, NYC strip
clubs, and drafted me, I received the following completely unsolicited e-mail:
> IMANI@webtv.com--> what up i wanna dance can you help me out
> (These e-mails are copied verbatim, only the specifics have been
> changed to protect the not so innocent.)
You bet I can I replied, and asked for details as to her location and a
physical description, age, can she travel etc. I offered to recommend a few clubs.
(Unfortunately, I dont save any outgoing e- mails but Ill give you the
gist of my responses). I dont hear anything for about a month or so and I forget
about it.
Thursday, I get this response:
> IMANI--> Hi I live in Brooklyn am 18 years old and no
i dont
> have a car i have a permit and yes i have dance before.
> NO where in Brooklyn unless it is not in Flatbush.
> Thank you.
> PS I am 5'3 yes am thick .
Damn, an 18 year old thick shortie. I think I have a pair of jeans older than that.
53 and thick, are we talking about Janet Jackson or Oprah thick here?
With pictures of Lil Kim running through my mind; I give her the addresses
and some info about Passion Bar and Taste of Honey. These are two of my current favorite
clubs, and both could use fresh meat. Being thick is no problem in either of these
clubs; in fact, its an asset. I also tell her to bring a male friend to cover
her back, shes just a kid.
Today, Friday I get this e-mail:
> IMANI -->They both sound aright. And i guess i need to hook
> with you because I dont have any male friend who would take me
> so how do we hook give some imformation.
> By the way it has to be before Thursday it can be tuesday are
> wednesday get back at me Thank you for your help.
> Imani
Whoa, this is an interesting development. Not wanting to be arrested, I check a
website that I squirreled away for just such an occasion, www.ageofconsent.com. It
turns out that the age of consent for New York is 17. So at least I wont be
doing anything illegal. Shes so young though, but what the fuck, you only live
once and Ill probably need some fodder for next years AFTSD so I ask
her for her phone # and when I can call.
A little over 3 hours ago, I find this in my inbox:
> IMANI-->718 5551234 Ask for Imani if you dont get me try to
live a
> number for me to call you back.
> PS dont tell my nosy family members my business
> I will be home Monday after 8pm
I put her phone # in a reverse telephone directory and it comes up with the name and
address of a Harold ######## in the Flatbush area of Brooklyn near Prospect Park. I
cant believe shes using her real name. I just hope Harold, probably her
dad, doesnt answer the phone when I call.