I felt it a moral obligation to show up to Temptations as often as possible the opening week. Okay, so maybe I wasn't obliged, or maybe I don't have any morals. Either way, it amounted to the first 3 nights. The opening night was not to be missed. There were a ton of Ass-cers, lots of dancers, pony rides, cotton candy, and even a clown. There were two free pony rides with every admission. Now, I know what you're thinking. I didn't think I could handle two pony rides in one night either. But I did. Woo hoo. Ride 'em cowboy. After I dismounted, I walked over to the HQ and said hi to JustPhil. JP was dressed to kill. He was wearing a fine Italian black suit and a full length mink coat. There were two very large men sitting on either side of him that frisked me before I could sit down next to Phil. Phil kept making calls on his cellular phone and talking about his "bitches". I think Phil needs a rest. There was another incident with a naked clown, but I won't go into that. *shiver* I got to meet a few more Asscers and watch Crimson/Melanie raffle off a blow up doll. Phil won the doll. (I suspect the doll was one of his "bitches" too.) The second night there weren't many Asscers. I was all alone, except for the HUNDREDS OF NAKED WOMEN!! They were very good at comforting me. I was a bit worn out at the end of the evening, but luckily I got a ride home. They even turned on the sirens. :) Managed to post bail in time to make it to Temptations on Friday night. There were plenty of Asscers. We went out to eat at a great restaurant in North Beach. I think it was called Carl's Jr. Excellent italian cuisine. After we got back, JustPhil and I sat on the stage for a few performances, putting bills on the tip rail. Then it happened. Phil's hand touched mine and there was a spark. Magic. I looked at Phil, Phil looked at me and we walked back to the lap dance area. I remember Phil say the words. "Now the real test, a full nude lap dance." So I got naked and well, at that point the curtain opened up and all the Asscers were standing there. *flash* Pictures, laughing, mocking. *flash* Stop laughing at me...Just leave me alone. I'LL GET YOU JUSTPHIL!!! I'LL GET YOU!!! AbNormal